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 Fuel Reduction Minimize

The tree removal project maps provided below show areas of dead trees that have been cleared or are scheduled to be cleared. The clearing of dead trees is being undertaken to remove wildfire fuel in order to reduce the likelihood of wildfire and minimize the spread of wildfire should it occur.
San Jacinto Mountain Communities Treatment Projects

This map shows the known fuel reduction projects and their status in Southern California National forests and private lands in Riverside County, including San Jacinto Mountain Communities Areas


Idyllwild/Pine Cove Treatment Projects

This map shows the known fuel reduction projects and their status in Southern California National forests and private lands in Riverside County, including Idyllwild/Pine Cove Areas


Fuel Reduction Projects in Southern California

This map shows the known fuel reduction projects in Southern California National forests and private lands in Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego County.


Fuel Reduction Projects in Riverside County

This map shows the known fuel reduction projects in Southern California National forests and private lands in Riverside County.




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