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Contact US

To report a fire or other emergency, dial 911

To report arson, call "We Tip" at (800) 47-ARSON

Contact information for fire prevention and law enforcements agencies working within Riverside County.


Any comments or questions about this website, please contact calmast@esri.com



Riverside County Fire Department
Emergency Information Line: (909) 940-6985
General business line: (909)940-6900
During a large fire or prescribed burn, an information center may be activated.


Riverside County Sheriffs Department 
(951) 955-2400


Riverside County Board of Supervisors


Riverside County Department of Transportation


Riverside County Executive Office
Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency
Riverside County Flood Control

Riverside County Office of Emergency Services


Riverside County Waste Management


California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Riverside Unit: (909) 940-6900
CAL FIRE Arson Hotline: (800) 468-4408


California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
For information pertaining to tree removal on major travel routes and state road closures
(909) 383-4561


California Highway Patrol
909) 383-4247
Non-Emergency Hotline: (800) TELL CHP


California Department of Fish and Game (CDF&G)
California Department of Parks and Recreation


California Office of Emergency Services (State OES)
(916) 845-8400


U.S. Forest Service, San Bernardino National Forest
For information regarding recreation, fire management, or any specific Forest Service department
Information Center: (909) 383-5688
San Bernardino Office: (909) 382-2600
USFS also maintains a comprehensive online Incident Information System that provides fire information during active fires.


Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
America's Private Lands Conservation Agency
Riverside Office: (951) 684-3722


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Region IX Office - Oakland, CA.
(510) 627-7100 

Local Fire Departments/Districts

Idyllwild Fire Protection District
(909) 659-2153 

Utility Companies

Southern California Edison
For information pertaining to Tree Removal Program
(800) 640-3652
Southern California Edison (SCE)

Volunteer Organizations

Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council
 P.O. Box 507, Idyllwild , CA 92549
Contact: Garrick Lahoda,
(951) 659-6208


Working together, we can prevent catastrophic wildfires.


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